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 Behavior Therapies


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is usually recommended for children with milder symptoms of autism and other children with some behavior concerns.


Cognitive behavioral therapy aims to define the triggers of particular behaviors, so that a child starts to recognize those moments himself. Through practice, a therapist introduces practical responses. In other words, kids learn to see when they are about to head down a habitual behavioral or mental path (“I always have melt downs in public”) and to practice something different instead (“I’m going to do that relaxation exercise I was taught”).


CBT helps with concerns common to autism, such as being overly fearful or anxious.


Developmental and Individual Differences Relationship (DIR)Therapy

DIR therapy (also called Floortime). With this therapy, a therapist — engages children through activities each child enjoys. It relies on a child having the motivation to engage and interact with others. The therapist follows a child’s lead in working on new skills.


Concentration Therapy



Benefits of Concentration therapy:

  • improved attention span

  • Improved concentration

  • Better quality work

  • Able to follow instructions easier

  • Short term memory improvement

  • Forgetfulness reduced

  • Able to focus for longer periods

  • Retains information better


Educational Therapy

Educational therapists teach skills and strategies that help kids manage their issues and improve their accademically. They can help children learning disablities gain improvement.


Some of the benefits of Educational therapy:


  • Help identify behavior issues that may be caused by underlying learning and thinking differences

  • Teaches strategies to improve focus and work habits

  • Teaches time management and organization skills

  • The therapist can act as a link between the school and the family


IEP Preparation

Who needs an IEP

A child who has difficulty learning and functioning and has been identified as a special needs student is the perfect candidate for an IEP.

Kids struggling in school may qualify for support services, allowing them to be taught in a special way, for reasons such as:

  • learning disabilities

  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

  • emotional disorders

  • cognitive challenges

  • autism

  • hearing impairment

  • visual impairment

  • speech or language impairment

  • developmental delay

  • physical disabilities


Speech and Language Therapy


Occupational Therapy 


Assessment & Testing 


  • Autism Scales

  • IQ testing

  • Educational Testing


When you judge someone based on a diagnosis, you miss out on their abilities, beauty, and uniqueness.     


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