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Making A Difference

For years, the caring community of Bright Horizons has educated students with both learning challenges and intellectual disabilities as well as unique abilities . We provide an individualized approach that offers support and facilitates attainable opportunities. Every program that Bright Horizons offers enhances the lives and expands the futures for all of our students as well as their families.

We have  one goal in mind: helping children of all ages to overcome their individual challenges and achieve personal and academic growth.


We believe that through building trust and rebuilding confidence, every child can reach his or her potential.


Our team of professionals are here to help students tackle learning and behavior difficulties, providing them with the tools and the guidance they need, every single day. Get in touch with our team today to learn more.

If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.     

Information about Disabilities

What is Autism?


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a brain disorder that starts early in life. It affects social communication and interaction and is accompanied by repeating and narrow patterns of behavior or interests.



What is Downs Syndrome?


You have probably seen people who have Down syndrome. They have certain physical features, such as a flatter face and upward slanting eyes. They may have medical problems, too, such as heart defects. Kids with Down syndrome usually have trouble learning and are slower to learn how to talk and take care of themselves.

But despite their challenges, kids with Down syndrome can go to regular schools, make friends, enjoy life, and get jobs when they're older. Getting special help early — often when they are just babies and toddlers — can be the key to healthier, happier, more independent lives.

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